Buffet Chronology

Buffet Chronology




Born in Paris, France.


Enters the Lycée Carnot in Paris, after studying at École des Jésuites.


Expelled from the Lycée Carnot for criticizing the academic structure; begins attending evening classes to study drawing. Enters École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, working in the studio of Eugéne Narbonne (b. 1885).


Leaves École des Beaux-Arts; travels to Brittany with his mother. Returns to Paris after she dies unexpectedly, settling south of Paris in Massy-Palaiseau to work alongside Robert Mantienne.


First showing, a self-portrait, at the Salon des Moins de Trente Ans at the Galerie Beaux-Arts.


Exhibits L'Homme accoude at the Salon des Indpendants. First solo exhibition at the Art Impressions book shop in Paris is held in December, organized by Guy Weelen and Michel Brient. Becomes a member of the Salon des Indépendants, as well as the Salon d'Automne. His first angular characters are revealed; he is classified as a miserablist, like the expressionists Francis Gruber or Georges Rouault. Meets writer Pierre Descargues, who becomes one of Buffet's most ardent supporters and writes the catalogue preface for his one-man show.


Meets Emmanuel David and enters into an exclusive contract, which is shared by Maurice Garnier. This alliance leads to international exposure. In June, Buffet and painter Bernard Lorjou are both awarded the Grand Prix de la critique at the Galerie Saint-Placide, which then holds an exhibition of Buffet's works in July. In November, la Ravaudeuse de filet exhibits in the Salon d'Automne, which is purchased by Doctor Girardin and willed to the Paris Museum of Modern Art. Illustrates Jean Cocteau's la Voix humaine. Designs sets for Paris Opera's ballet.


Pierre Descargues prints Buffet's work in the Presses Littérairesde France. First Galerie Drouant-David exhibit is held. Joins a group of realist painters known as Homme-Témoin, dedicated to the common man.


Begins showing in New York City.


Rents small house in Manosque from friend Jean Giono, where he lives for a short time before moving to a rented bergerie in Nanse, near Reillanne, 17 kilometers from Manosque. Here he lives and works until 1954.


Begins creating lithographs. Illustrates Les Chants de Maldoror (the story of a super human archangel) by Comte de Lautré amont.


Les Lettres francaises features an article by Louis Aragon entitled "Le Paysage Francais a quatre siécles et Bernard Buffet 24 ans," (éFour Centuries of French Landscape Painting and the 24-Year-Old Bernard Buffeté).


MagazineConnaissancedes arts names the ten best post-war artists; Buffet takes first place. Meets Georges Simenon, who becomes a close friend. Buys property in Domont, near Paris, living there until 1956.


Leaves Domont to reside in Chéteau I'Arc, near Aix-en-Provence, which becomes his main residence until 1964.


Galerie Charpentier holds the first retrospective of Buffet's work, he is 30 years old. Georges Hourdin publishes L'Enfer et le ciel de Bernard Buffet at Cerf. Pierre Bergé publishes Buffet at Editions Pierre Cailler. The New York Times names Buffet in "France's Fabulous Young Five", among peers that include Yves Saint-Laurent.


Marries actress Annabel Schwob on December 12, at Ramatuelle.


Produces a series of paintings depicting the life of Jesus Christ for the purpose of decorating Chéteau l'Arc. (Ten years later, at the request of Monsignor Pasquale Macchi, secretary to Pope Paul VI, these paintings are offered to the Vatican Museum for permanent exhibition.)


Birth of first daughter, Virginie.


Birth of second daughter, Danielle.


Maurice Druon publishes Buffet at Editions Hachette. Buffet buys la Vallée in Brittany's Saint-Cast, working there until 1970. From 1965 to 1971, he resides in both Brittany and Paris.


Birth of son, Nicolas.


After painting a series depicting the tragedies of World War II, specifically Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Bernard Buffet Museum is founded by Kiichiro Okano and is inaugurated in Surugadaira, Japan on November 23.


Elected to the Académie des Beaux-Arts and the Legion of Honour.


Designs a stamp for l'Institut et le Ponte des Artes, at the request of the postal administration.


Takes up residence at a manor in Normandy, where he lives until 1986.


Moves to the Domaine de la Baume, near Tourtour in the Haut-Var, southern France. Georges Durand publishes La Divine Comediede Bernard Buffet at Desclée de Brouwer, Annabel Buffet publishes D'Amour et d'eau Fraiche at Sylvie Messinger. Yann le Pichon's Bernard Buffet, edited by Maurice Garnier, receives the Elie Faure Award.


A large extension is added to the Bernard Buffet Museum in Japan on December 9.


Alin Alexis Avila publishes Bernard Buffet, edited by Nouvelles Editions Franéaises aux Editions Casterman.


Commits suicide after Parkinson's disease renders him incapable of painting. He leaves behind some 8,000 paintings and numerous prints.

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